
March Already

The Simple Life

I’ve lost my grip on The Simple Life.  I don’t have my calm.  It’s funny because I changed the heading on this blog to The Simple Life in California but it isn’t true at all at this point.  We moved into a tiny little cottage but honestly it is a mess most of the time and not simple.  I don’t make bread anymore either.  I’ll tell you there is a lot that goes on and down when one moves across the world even if it is to a world that you think you know.  I don’t know this life in Cali, I’m learning it all over again.

I’ll say this doors are flying open for us here and that a good feeling.

Sette Design

I think if I had a studio to paint in I would feel like I was still in the simple life, for me it has a lot to do with painting.

I hope these photos reflect something of The Simple Life and then YOU might feel encouraged as I do when I look at them.

Here are some quotes to inspire you.  Both quotes are what I’m feeling right now.  It is so important that we live true to ourselves.

“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical;
don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion.  Rather, follow
your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”

-Franz Kafka

“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.”

-Helen Keller

Oh if only this was my paint studio

Carry on,


  1. I just want back through your posts because I didn't realize you had moved back for good. I knew you usually came back for the holidays so it didn't seem odd to me that you were in California. I'm convinced that simplifying one's life requires parting with a lot of possessions. It's not a bad thing but often difficult to do.

  2. Nothing is ever for good is it? I'm just playing with you. You can't imagine how many beautiful things I gave away and sold in leaving Italy so we are really down to the bare minimum. It feels nice to start fresh.
