Showing posts with label painting techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting techniques. Show all posts

Chalk Paint and Silver Leaf

chalk paint antiqued and silver leaf

I know some of you out there might have a little "issue" with me that I am just too feminine. Well I am happy to present this macho (mascile) dark red and silver leaf piece.  I like how it came out.  Even certain people close to me who will remain nameless were shocked it looked so good and confessed (later) to intentionally staying quiet for much of the project.

It was not hard to do, patience is always the problem around here, so grab some patience and a paint brush and here we go.

I first mixed this dark red flat paint with a tablespoon or two of powdered stucco to make a light version of Chalk paint, sprinkling in the stucco with a metal strainer.  I mixed it well.   Here is the before shot.

I sanded the piece all over not too much because the chalk paint ad heads well.

I painted the whole piece red three times.  Yes I drank some cappuccinos in the middle and I did not clean the house.

painting with chalk paint

how to chalk paint - make your own
I taped out the drawers, leaving the part exposed I wanted silver and put the glue down for the silver leaf.  I wait about 20-30 minutes or until it is tacky.  I work in sections

I put the silver leaf on with a soft brush and my hands.

how to silver leaf

I put a clear coat of polyurethane over the whole piece lightly over the silver leaf to not dull the gleam too much.

I let it sit a day to make sure everything was dry.

Then I took oil color raw umber (my favorite) and mixed it with turpentine and a dry brush to lightly brush over the commode to darken it up and make it look more used and antique.

When I silver leafed the drawer pulls I intentionally used the glue only in parts to make it irregular.

What do you think?  Isn't SHE a pretty macho girl?


I'm linking to:
Between Naps on the Porch
French Country Cottage
Miss Mustard Seed