The Magic of Spello

The Simple Life
Here in Umbria if you don’t like the weather wait 20 minutes.  That’s what they say I think in the Northeast of America too.  We do not say that in California, so it pisses me off.  I’m always getting fooled.

This week in Umbria Spring has sprung with glorious green fields and pink and white budding fruit trees, Mimosa galore puffy and brilliant, shocking yellow.  The birds are going crazy, chatting away, they have so much to sing about.  We all have so much to sing about!

4 arches -splendid!
I’m working in Spello painting in a wine bar (Click Here on Vinosofia of the Link). My girlfriend Brenda who owns Vinosofia is a California girl born and raised 10 minutes from where I grew up so when we are working together we giggle, and blast music and drink wine.  She has wines from every region in Italy and will ship all over the world. Spello is Medieval hill town that looks like this.  It’s pretty magical. 

Sette Design - Spello, Italy

Spello, Italy
I took my bike to enjoy the country.  I was thrilled to find that there was some late pruning going on.  I was able to grab some pruned olive and fruit branches.  The fruit branches opened up in a day once I put them in water.
Sette Design - olive branches and olive picking ladder

I like to add some beauty to the chaos of my paint studio.
The Simple Life - Sette Design

fruit blossoms in my paint studio
Have a wonderful weekend.  Spring is coming your way.

biking home to my big baby girls - life is sweet

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1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place! And it's nice to see it's spring somewhere.
