Paint Studio- Design Studio

I’m pretty excited because I actually cleaned and organized my Studio.

Now I call my friends and even my daughter’s friends (when they come over, I’m not stalking them on the phone yet…) and I say want to see what my paint studio?   Of course everyone says yes, not only out of courtesy, but out of sheer joy and curiosity!

So wanna see my studio?

I'll start with the before shot.

Here it is cleaned up.

I feel very inspired to make this next year kick!

Lucia my 14 year old says,  “Hey 2014 equals 7”.

2 + 0 PLUSone +4 = Sette Design 7.

zero is a start 2 is a pair seven is heaven
or a place to keep paint brushes and paints

Do you dashing ones out there have a good space to work or play or create something that makes your heart go thump? 
do you think this sign functions?

Isn’t it funny about us in world of design, how our hearts go thump just to see a pretty space.

My studio cleaned up and organized and filled with candles and pink roses and white tables gets my heart thumping and leaping.

And here we are on the eve of the eve of the new year.
buon anno from sette design

Wishing you some cheer swirling in and out of your studio.


I'm linking with:


  1. Nice! I'd love to have a space to set things out and leave them so I can create...although I'd also like to have the time. It looks like a great space and having it clean is a great way to start the year.

  2. you have
    a beautiful studio space!

    i would love for you
    to share at Fridays Unfolded!


  3. I love your "mam.." sign! We need that in my house! Found you on ModVintageLife. ~Jane

  4. Thanks for your comment Jane. My mother is a writer and as children we all had the utmost respect for her working hours. One summer she came to Italy and claimed she was shocked how my children didn't respect my work time. My mother never says anything negative. So up went the sign. It somehow makes me happy and productive.

  5. just wanted to let you know
    that your studio is featured
    on this week's Fridays Unfolded!


  6. I featured your wonderful studio space today on Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life!
