River Wild Flowers

colored bottles and glasses

I love a plan, a big plan or a tiny plan any kind of plan is good to me.  The girls and I had a plan (truly it was my plan, slightly forced upon them).  The plan was that we would run down the river to our “beach” (stones in an outlet on the river), then we would throw a few chosen stones in the river and make some wishes, then we would walk back along the river and on our way home pick some Spring flowers.

wild flowers from the river

We left amidst sunshine and returned under raindrops and hoods, each with a fist full of river flowers.

Later we gloried in our reaped success over a hot cup of tea.

hand stitched italian lace

Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.  There is no other route to success.

-Paolo Picasso, artist

Anyone got a plan out there?


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