Christmas in Italy

Christmas lights

Christmas in Umbria.

Here in Italy there is an old saying:

“Natale con i Tuoi e Pasqua con chi vuoi.”

Christmas with yours (family) and Easter with whomever you want.

In Umbria all the jewel like hill and valley towns string the historic centers with lights.  It is so fun and festive to go around and see the other cities glowing.

Friends chatting in the rain

Special moments when family is together.

Cappeletti made by hand in broth.

Citrus leaves painted gold framing doorways.

holiday glow

Wet pavement and snow covered mountains.

Nativity scenes made in tiny figurines and even constructed big as live human statues.

Running into friends and having a Prosecco at a cafe.

hot chocolate is waiting

Christmas theater and music concerts at school.

Gobbi (thistle) alla Parmigiana (Parmisian).

Taking the kids out for a hot chocolate served warm and thick like pudding.

Everyone – everywhere saying Auguri – Buona FestaHAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I say the same to you!

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