The Game of the Gray Doors

“There are years that ask questions, and there are years that answer.”

 -Zora Neale Hurston (Writer)

Happy New Year Everyone!


I am so happy to be back.  I love a fresh start, a new beginning.  I want to encourage everyone to make some resolutions especially about your creativity – do something with it this year, embrace it, enhance it, explore it.

Today I want to play a game with these Gray Doors.  I want you to image opening each door and behind it you will find some part of yourself or your life changed for the better.  Try to imagine how you will get there and how it will look, whatever blocks you, jump over it and go directly to the point where it is real.  Later you can go back and figure out how to actually get around it.

“THEY” did a study with musicians and athletes and they found that if they imagined a piece of music that they could not play, had never accomplished before or run a race in record time.  If they went over each step over and over again precisely, in their minds, when the moment came to actually perform their goal, their minds thought that they had already done it. They were able to trick their minds into accomplishing what they thought their bodies could not do. Isn’t that just the coolest.  This is what I want you to do with these Gray Doors.  Open them and imagine step by step how you will accomplish these goals.

Also “THEY” (now this a different they) did a study that found when people wrote down their goals it increased the probability of them achieving it by over 70%.

So write down what is going to happen behind these Gray Doors.  There are six doors, so you can have six little dreams or changes or goals.  Remember sky is the limit.

Lastly since this is a Diario di Design I want to say, environment matters.  Create for yourself an environment where theses goals and dreams can actually happen.  Notice what people or situations in your life sabotage your plan.  Could it be you? Stop that action right away.  I am going to do the same, and I’m going to be aware.

Good Luck Natalie 

here is my favorite and it's number 7 by chance

“The thing always happens that you really believe in and belief in a thing makes it happen.”

-Frank Lloyd Wright (Architect)


  1. Natalie,
    I wanted to thank you for your comment. Yes, I try to do everything from scratch. Sometimes I'll use an inspriation photo but I try to provide all original content, make everything look great, and offer a little but of my personality.

    I'm interested in what you're doing. You can never know too much about color and design so I'll be back to look around. You may want to add a few buttons to "follow" or subscribe by e-mail to make it easier for people to follow you.

    Happy New Year!


  2. Found you via Steve (Urban Cottage). Your blog is charming. Keep up the good work. I live on the"redneck riviera" (Virginia Beach)...not exactly Umbria, but it's home. I have been on an extended blog break (May 2012) but am back now. I look forward to visiting your place.....k
