A Painted Floor

my foyer

This is my foyer.  It is a floor with linoleum tiles that I painted in gray and taupe.  I think if you don’t like your flooring you can paint them for very little expense and they will stop making everything look bad.  This is what they used to look like and believe me my soul was tortured.  From a design stand point they were just wrong.  

Painting linoleum will be a temporary fix, and they can scrape, but who cares, they will still look better then they looked before.  Wood floors age and scrape, if you think of your painted floors as changing during the aging process then they will always look gorgeous.  Like in California a good pair of faded and soft Levis jeans can achieve respect from all who understand. 

I painted these with acrylic paint, then a coat of polyurethane and liquid floor wax on top. I followed the line of the tile that was already there and it came out looking pretty. If every now and then you clean them with a floor wax on top they will maintain much better as they age.  It makes them feel good to walk on barefoot too.

This is a Loggia.

Loggia in Foligno


The Winston Dictionary, 1946 
Arch, a covered gallery or portico, having at least one side open to the air


Here is some inspiration.  Look for the painted tile floors.   



ladies dancing

you could paint them with varying colors also

Happy Weekend everyone!

A presto


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